اللغة العربية ومشكلة السياسة اللغوية في نيجيريا ARABIC LANGUAGE AND THE PROBLEM OF LANGUAGE POLICY IN NIGERIA



language policy, Arabic language, teaching, Nigeria.


Generally, Language is a complex matter that represents human thought, instrument of knowledge, vessel of history, tool of communication, personality of man and his identity, and it is one of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed upon His servants in after revelation. Because of this importance, countries in the world   work hard to adopt a specific language policy to solve many problems of education and communication internally and externally through constructive language planning, and the main purpose   behind all of this is to preserve the identity of the state and its citizens locally and globally. Arabic language, its culture and civilization have occupied a wide place in Nigeria, it occupied   various fields of human endeavors such as: education, economic, social and others. Nigeria enjoys an   effective roles by this language and its speakers. With their efforts, Islam settled in Africa and its neighborhood. This paper aims to shed light on the status of the Arabic language in the language policy of Nigeria. The paper contains the early emergence of   Arabic language in Nigeria, an overview development of Arabic language in   Nigeria, the position of Arabic language in the language policy, and the challenges facing Arabic language in Nigeria, then Possible solutions to these challenges, results, and conclusion. 


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