مسائل طلاق وخلع  کا تطبیقی  وترجیحی مطالعہ تفسیر النکت کی روشنی میں

Analysis of Divorce and Khula’ in the light of Tafseer al-Nukat


  • Dr. Muhammad Waris Ali Assistant Prof. Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore Author
  • Abdul Basit Ph D, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore Author


Tafseer al-Nukat, al-Māwardī, divorce, khulʿa, Islamic jurisprudence, fiqh, Qur'ān, Sunnah


Tafseer al-Nukat has been written in the context of fiqh by Abu al-Ḥassan bin Muḥammad al-Māwardī. This article aims at the discussion about the Matters of Divorce and Khula’ that has been prevailing in the society day by day. The study is analytical and descriptive. Examples from the book of al-Māwardī have been taken and discussed in the light of Qur’ān, Sunnah and jurisprudence. Al-Māwardī has given preference to some of the jurisprudential matters with arguments. Qur’ān and sunah of the holy prophet have been used as main sources to make it more authentic and reasonable. Moreover the opinions of old and contemporary jurists have been also analyzed and discussed about the matter under discussion. It can be concluded that al-Māwardī has discussed and presented view point of the some of mofasreen of his era and discussed the matters in Islāmic perspective


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