Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Secondary School Physics Teachers
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Physics teachers, Knowledge of assessment, Knowledge of students, knowledge of teaching strategies, knowledge of curriculumAbstract
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is an important element of teachers’ professional knowledge which enables the teachers to teach particular subjects or content in a specific way to enhance the students' understanding. This study was carried out to explore and analyze the PCK of 9th-grade Physics teachers. For this purpose, a paper-pencil test was employed on the thirty (30) 9th-grade Physics teachers of the Hazara division. The findings of the study showed that only two physics teachers got above 80% marks, 12 teachers got above 70% marks, 3 teachers got above 60% marks, and 13 teachers got below 60% marks. The average percentage of teachers in the knowledge of assessment was the highest, which was equal to (71.44%) while the average percentage in the knowledge of curriculum was the lowest which was equal to (57.15%). The second-highest average percentage of teachers in knowledge of teaching strategies was (68.33%) while teachers’ knowledge of students was in third position with an average percentage of (62.17%). Overall pedagogical content knowledge of 9th-grade Physics teachers is rather good. The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of female Physics teachers should also be explored and analyzed to judge the effectiveness of their teaching.