علامہ اقبال اور اہم طرز ہائے حکومت :ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Allama Iqbal and Significant Forms of Government: An Analytical Study
Allama Iqbal, ideal governance, monarchy, dictatorship, democracy, spiritual democracy, Islamic governance, freedom, justice, equality, fraternityAbstract
Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, a towering intellectual figure of the 20th century, was a poet, philosopher, reformer, jurist, and political thinker who profoundly contributed to the cultural and civilizational guidance of the Muslim Ummah through his poetry and prose. His profound ideas presented a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom to the intellectual and literary world, providing the Muslim Ummah, particularly the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, with a clear vision and a lofty ideal. His philosophy offered pathways to break free from intellectual stagnation and laid the foundation for liberation, self-respect, self-reliance, inquiry, innovation, creativity, and freedom of thought and action for the Eastern nations. Allama Iqbal closely observed various political systems and forms of governance in the world, meticulously analyzing their merits and flaws. In his poetic and prose works, he critically examined concepts such as nationalism, democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, and the Islamic perspective of politics and governance, presenting his unique and profound viewpoint as a thinker and philosopher.
Iqbal envisioned an ideal system of governance rooted in religion and spirituality. This research article attempts to provide an analytical study of Iqbal's concept of an ideal government in the context of prevailing systems of governance worldwide.