تعلقات عامہ اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں
Public Relations in the Light of Islamic Teachings
Public relations, Foundations of public relations, Moral principles, Human welfare, Justice and fairness, Honesty and trustworthiness, Evoiding lies and deception, Transparency, Equality, Considering people's needs, Public relations during the Makki period and the Madani period .Abstract
This research paper presents public relations in the light of Islamic teachings, which include the Quran, Hadith, and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These three sources emphasize the importance of public relations. Firstly, the Quranic teachings discuss the foundations of public relations, which are based on moral principles and human welfare. Then, the Quranic guidance on public relations based on justice and fairness is discussed. Furthermore, the principles of successful relationships, such as honesty and trustworthiness, are presented, highlighting that these are essential characteristics of Islamic social relations.The paper also discusses the importance of avoiding lies and deception, as these harm public relations. Additionally, the Quranic teachings on patience and forgiveness are presented as a practical example.
The prophetic guidelines on public relations are also discussed, including the teachings on good morals, honesty, transparency, equality, justice, truthfulness, trustworthiness, considering people's needs, serving humanity, respecting people's rights, tolerance, patience, and consultation.
The paper discusses public relations in the light of the Prophet's biography, highlighting that his behavior is the foundation of public relations. Specific examples include public relations during the Makki period, public relations during the Madani period, the establishment of brotherhood in Madinah, consultation and wisdom (Shura), consultation during the Battle of Uhud, consultation during the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, the Prophet's Mosque as a central public relations hub, and the organization of the Madinah market: economic public relations.