مثالی نظام تعلیم کی  تشکیل بذریعہ سائنسی و تکنیکی علوم:تعلیمات نبویﷺ کی روشنی میں

Unique education system through scientific and technical sciences(In the light of the Prophet's teachingsﷺ)


  • Ali Shan PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Qaiser PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Author


Islam, Education, Society, Science, Technology



Education plays a pivotal role in the economic and social development of any country. Only a balanced education system can develop a healthy society. Education plays a vital role in the progress of any nation and is instrumental in bringing about social change and development. Education is now the prime necessity in the development of Pakistan. Science is an essential part of general education, both for the learning of concepts and principles which affect many aspects of everyday life and for an understanding of how life has been revolutionized throughout constantly changing nature by technological advances. Science and technology education, both as distinct and integrated subjects, relies on a traditional conception of science and technology as quite different and separate enterprises. School-level science has an association with the education and training of human resources, with national income, the special character of a nation's lifestyle, and the quality of health and atmosphere. The world is moving ahead very quickly in technological science. All predict that in the days to come, education will be technology-based, so the understanding of the emerging latest, current information in the field of science and technology is inevitable. Therefore, keeping in view the above importance, the science education system needs in the modern world to be viewed from a new perspective involving the restructuring of science education in the light of twenty-first-century skills in the age of the demographic dividend aimed at envisaging clear goals, the development of technological and infrastructure facilities required for achieving the milestones of educational objectives in the CCE system.


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